Hi, I'm Susan!

I’m a Certified Organizer Coach. I was born in Indiana and spent my childhood living there and in Haiti. I was an elementary school teacher for 12 years in Chicago and London and spent a sabbatical in Mexico studying Spanish. Later, I graduated from Ohio State with a Masters in Integrated Teaching and Learning—the study of created culture. Here’s how that connects to organizing and coaching.

My background gave me an understanding of two main principles:


I enjoy helping people create environments that are supportive.


I value working with people of all races, cultures, abilities, identities, and orientations.

I delight in helping people learn about themselves and how they think in the context of what they want to do and who they want to be.

Business and Specialties

In 2007, I started my second career as a professional organizer and owner of Strategize Organize LLC. I joined NAPO (the National Association for Productivity and Organizing) and learned about the world of working as an organizer. This world became even more interesting when I became a member of the ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) and learned about how there are brain-based reasons why organizing can be so difficult. Through ICD, I became a Chronic Disorganization and ADHD specialist.

I discovered the perfect complement to organizing, which is coaching. Through the Coach Approach Training, I became a Certified Organizer Coach. I found that the change that people are looking for comes through learning about themselves and their brains. In my work with clients, this can mean either stand-alone coaching or integrated hands-on organizing with coaching conversations.


I recognize that inviting me into your life isn’t necessarily easy. Given that this society is set up for *neurotypicals it makes sense that many of my *neurodivergent clients feel shame and that they aren’t “normal.” My clients have often gotten messages that they are lazy, “Why can’t you just do XYZ?!” I bring to my partnership with clients compassion, openness, listening, and the knowledge that society’s definitions of how people should be—and how people should get things done—is often detrimental. I believe my clients and believe in my clients.

*Neurotypical people have brains that function in a similar way to most of their peers. Individuals who are neurotypical develop skills, such as social or organizational skills, at around the same rate as others their age. They can also tolerate change, disruption in routines, and distractions without too much difficulty.

*Neurodivergent people have brains that function differently. They may have a diagnosis such as ASD, ADHD, dyslexia, or Tourette’s syndrome. Neurodivergence comes in many forms, and they affect people with these diagnoses differently.


Journey thinking  

A journey thinking mindset (as opposed to destination thinking) helps facilitate my work with clients. Here are some beliefs and traits that position us for success in our work together:

-Genuine belief that change is possible

-Openness to learning

-Curiosity about oneself

-Willingness to try out new things and explore new perspectives

-Recognition that setbacks are part of the process and interest in learning how to get back at it.

About My Clients

I believe my clients are creative and resourceful individuals, and that they know themselves better than anyone. My role is to listen closely, ask questions, and offer observations and support so that my clients can achieve their own powerful solutions. The coaching and hands-on organizing support that I provide are designed to help you:
• Deepen awareness and understanding of yourself.
• Develop new habits: organizing, self-care, prioritizing.
• Create organizing systems that work for your brain/life.
• Change your relationship with your stuff, tasks, and time.
• Enhance a positive sense of self.
• Meet your goals.

About Me

In addition to thoroughly enjoying my job as a professional organizer coach, I also enjoy hiking in Bird’s Hill, tending to our yard and rain garden, playing games (Dutch Blitz is a favorite), visiting with friends, and hanging out with my partner, Trevor, and kitty, Neko, both of whom make me laugh. In my work life, I’m a Certified Organizer Coach (COC). This credential is awarded by the Institute for Applied Coaching. It recognizes coaches who have completed the Organizer Coach Foundation Training Program, a graduate seminar, and an independent project. It also involves receiving extensive trainer feedback, passing two written exams and coaching assessments, and accruing 100 coaching hours.

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Certified Organizer Coach

IAC Certified Organizer Coach Foundation Training Program


Participates in NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing)

Golden Circle Member

Part of organizing industry for a minimum of five years

Member and Past Director of Professional Development

Participates and volunteers for NAPO Michigan

Chronic Disorganization Specialist, ADD/ADHD Specialist

takes ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) classes, attends ICD annual conference

MA in Integrated Teaching and Learning from The Ohio State University​

Completed The Organizing Specialists Training/Mentor Program


Sari Solden

Sari Solden

MS, Author of Women with ADD

Susan brings all her intelligence, training, good humor, and neutrality to her sessions, creating a safe, and most amazingly of all, fun atmosphere to her work with clients. Susan exudes warmth and sensitivity, is highly knowledgeable and professional, and I highly recommend her.”

Debbie Merion

Debbie Merion

MSW, Author of The College Admission Puzzle

Susan helps me be my own best employee. Her smiling face and creative, intelligent, and consistently effective suggestions lighten my day and focus my week. I am grateful to her for her assistance in reaching my goals, including my MFA. I love working with her, and recommend her highly, without reservation.

Allison Lush

Allison Lush

CPO, allisonlush.ca

Susan has been volunteering in my team at the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) since September 2013. Susan is an absolute pleasure to work with, bringing her passion for education as well as her professionalism to the job. In addition to the quality work she provides, Susan is unfailingly positive. We are very fortunate that Susan chooses to volunteer with ICD.

Get in Touch

We are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan and serve the surrounding area.



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