PROBLEM: I have some lovely things but they are hidden away in a box in the basement. I’d really enjoy seeing my collection of x, y, or z but I don’t have any surface space. What do I do?

SOLUTION: Catherine Thursby of Red Shoes, located in Ann Arbor has a great idea. Find a nice branch, paint it (optional), then hang your collection from it. Voila! You can see your lovely things while at the same time taking advantage of the unused top one-third of your room.

HINT: For hanging the items, you can use a metal necklace chain, string, leather, or even dental floss.

Susan Hunsberger

I’m Susan Hunsberger with Strategize Organize LLC. I work with folks with organizing challenges. Adults and students with ADHD are areas of specialty. People come to me feeling shame and frustration. They hire me to help them lift the weight of disorganization and move on with life.


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