PROBLEM: I have an incomplete croquet set. It belonged to my grandparents but many of the pieces are rusted, broken, or simply missing. I don’t want to throw it away …I think the colorful balls are fun and I have fond memories of play croquet with my grandparents. However, I also don’t want it piled in a heap in my garage.

SOLUTION: Choose a few favorite pieces. Is there a way to bring them into your
space in a playful, artistic, or thoughtful way?

HINT: Here the balls live under the chair and when people sit, they tend to play with the balls with their feet.

Susan Hunsberger

I’m Susan Hunsberger with Strategize Organize LLC. I work with folks with organizing challenges. Adults and students with ADHD are areas of specialty. People come to me feeling shame and frustration. They hire me to help them lift the weight of disorganization and move on with life.


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