
We often think about how to better ourselves.  We tend to compare ourselves to others and envy their strengths. It is more effective, however, to live and work from our own strengths, particularly our character strengths.  Why?  Because when we are trying day to day to

get up on time,
leave on time,
find clean clothes/purse/phone/keys,
process paper work,
put things away

we can feel frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed.  We blame these struggles on ourselves, and we can curse our weaknesses when things aren’t going the way we envisioned.

Of course, it’s possible and profitable to work at these day-to-day challenges but understanding the core of who we are and operating from that understanding can bring us greater fulfillment.

To read more: Click on this link to access the Organizing Tips: A Strength of Character – October 2015 newsletter.

Susan Hunsberger

I’m Susan Hunsberger with Strategize Organize LLC. I work with folks with organizing challenges. Adults and students with ADHD are areas of specialty. People come to me feeling shame and frustration. They hire me to help them lift the weight of disorganization and move on with life.


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