PROBLEM: It’s really hard for me to file papers because my filing cabinet is packed. There’s no room for me to slip a piece of paper into the file and when I try to pull a file out three others come out with it.
SOLUTION: The first step is to recognize that a packed filing cabinet is a problem and often leads to people not filing or accessing the information they need. The next step is set aside some time to start sorting through your files and moving along those papers you no longer need. Here’s an immediate solution that you can use while you are working on sorting through your filing cabinet. Get a box or crate and when you use a file put it in the crate. The crate then becomes the place for your everyday files.
HINT: Before a file goes into the box or create, do a sort of the papers.
emose · June 21, 2011 at 2:40 pm
LOL! i was facing the same problem. thanks for solution 😀
susan · June 21, 2011 at 3:43 pm
Great, I’m glad to help!