2012 Philo T. Farnsworth Award
•for excellence in community programming “ORGANIZE & RECYCLE #1”
Organizing Training and InvolvementsScreen Shot 2015-09-14 at 1.09.21 PM
•completed the foundation course from the Coach Approach for Organizers / IAC Certified Organizer Coaching training Program
•completed The Organizing Specialists Training/Mentor Program
•participates in NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers)
•current member and past director of professional development for NAPO Michigan Chapter
•takes ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) classes
•Chronic Disorganization Specialist
•ADD Specialist
•attends ICD annual conference
B.A. and Masters
•B.A. in Elementary Education with a Kindergarten Endorsement from Goshen College
•MA in Integrated Teaching and Learning from The Ohio State University
I contributed to this book.

Click on the book to view more information about the book on Amazon.
•Member of the Golden Circle – part of organizing industry for a minimum of five years.


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