Create a check list of some sort. It can be hand written, in excel, or on your phone.
It’s important to record a start date. A completion date and scheduled date and time to work on task can also be helpful in order to keep moving forward on tasks.
Create a check list of some sort. It can be hand written, in excel, or on your phone.
It’s important to record a start date. A completion date and scheduled date and time to work on task can also be helpful in order to keep moving forward on tasks.
I’m Susan Hunsberger with Strategize Organize LLC. I work with folks with organizing challenges. Adults and students with ADHD are areas of specialty. People come to me feeling shame and frustration. They hire me to help them lift the weight of disorganization and move on with life.
Cathie Benkert · May 22, 2017 at 2:46 pm
I also use a column to prioritize/triage the to do list, rather than a date to be done. And then I fasten it on a cord or some other way on my person where I won’t lose it.
Susan Hunsberger · May 25, 2017 at 6:35 pm
Great idea! I love how you fasten it to your person.